
Docker Image Creation and Run Guide

Latest Content Changes


Update Notes


Initial Guide in .RST format


Latest Tested in Windows 10 64 bit Docker with Linux Containers.

Clone the project

This will checkout and create project in an Oblivion2-XRM folder where you run the command.

git clone
cd Oblivion2-XRM

Next from the root project folder you can run the following docker commands.



This is a preview of the development work, It’s not a fully functional system You can browse Menu’s, and some initial sysop functions such as the User, Menu, Message and Level editors. With the Full Screen Message editor in the works.


Being this is a preview the default setup here is to build and run a preview, the container or image will not save any new users or configuration changes made while adventuring around. Once the application is more ready for release then some updated documentation will be created for using volumes to run your container’s from.


The following commands should be run from the root Oblivion2-XRM folder.

First time setup or on changes build is used to create or update the docker image. recreating from any changes or updates when pulling down the branch.

Build and Startup Commands

docker-compose build && docker-compose up

Startup Command - All other times to startup the container you only need to run:

docker-compose up

Connecting to the BBS

Default Telnet Port: 6023
The configuration gets auto-generated once you start the system the first time.
New User Password: newuser The first created user becomes a SysOp set to level 255
All other users are normal access levels and can be adjusted in the | Sysop Menu | User Editor

Logging into the container

Logging in replace the <CONTAINER ID> below with the actual id of the container that is running.
use the docker ps to get a list of running containers.
docker ps
docker exec -it <CONTAINER ID> /bin/bash

You should now be in the logged in and in the following folder /usr/src/Oblivion2-XRM/build The root of the BBS executable folder. This folder also contains core of the bbs application. You’ll find the main xrm-server.yaml configuration file with other data files in the data folder.


The BBS is running by default.

List of Executables

./xrm-server              - to start the bbs
./xrm-unittest            - to run the unit tests

Helper Applications Only used if you are converting legacy items or mods.

./xrm-menu-convert        - convert Legacy Obv/2 menus to yaml
./xrm-menu-prompt-convert - convert Legacy Obv/2 prompts to yaml


Converters only tested on default Menu’s and prompt files. Should work for menu and prompt mods too.